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Pediatric Telehealth in Las Vegas, NV

Virtual Visits bring YOUR Pediatrician TO YOU wherever you are!

We know your child’s medical and medication history
We can offer safe and effective solutions for their health concerns

Telehealth (aka: TeleDoctor, Virtual Visits, TeleVisits, Video Appointments)

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is a virtual one-on-one office visit. ‘Virtual’ (Tele) meaning it takes place over an internet connection through a computer or cell phone. ‘Visit’ meaning that you will see a provider in real time to discuss your child’s health. The provider will be able to review the chart and assess your child’s symptoms and issues and make the necessary recommendations. Recommendations can include prescribing medications and scheduling follow-up appointments.

How can Pediatric Telehealth improve health and quality of life?

  • Stuck at work late and could not bring your child to see their pediatrician?
  • Dark outside and feel uncomfortable driving to an ER?
  • Afraid your child will catch other illnesses in the ER?
  • Prefer that your child stays in the comfort of their own home?
  • Unsure your child needs to see a doctor at all? Unsure the long drive and log wait is worth it?
  • Are your other children sleeping? Will you have to wake everybody up?
  • On vacation and want YOUR pediatrician rather than a foreign one or cruise ship doctor?
  • Child out of state at summer camp or college and unable to use your medical insurance?

What to Expect During a Pediatric Telehealth Appointment

A pediatric telehealth appointment will not take the place of your child’s regular wellness visits; you will still need to follow your child’s pediatrician schedule to make sure that they are getting the preventive care they need throughout their childhood and teen years; however, telehealth is a great option when symptoms or problems arise that aren’t urgent but do require a doctor’s attention. You may choose to schedule a telehealth visit with our pediatric team to:

  • Discuss symptoms your child is dealing with
  • Make a definitive diagnosis
  • Monitor an ongoing or chronic condition to see if medication is working properly
  • Determine whether your child should come into the office for additional care
  • Determine whether your child may require testing (e.g. X-rays; blood test)
  • Refill a prescription without having to come into the office
  • Discuss your child’s current treatment plan
  • Garner a second opinion regarding your child’s treatment and care

Make sure that you fully understand what a telehealth visit entails. Feel free to talk this over with our pediatrician beforehand. You may choose to use either a laptop or smartphone for the session. The benefits of turning to us for telemedical care is that we also provide your child’s routine checkups. This means that we fully understand your child’s medical history and can provide them with quick, reliable and comprehensive care without having to leave the house. This also means dependable treatment plans that are customized to your child.

A pediatric telehealth appointment makes it easy for busy families to ask their doctor questions, to address symptoms their child is experiencing and to get medications refilled without having to drive over to our office. These virtual pediatric appointments can save families time while also providing expedited pediatric care right to your home.

Coming Soon: Virtual Visits during regular office hours! Stay tuned…

Schedule a pediatric telehealth appointment with our team at Southern Nevada Pediatric Center. You can reach us in our Las Vegas, NV office at (702) 850-5437 or book an appointment online!


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm



